Okay, this is a game on another forum, suggested by Irispaw.
example: the person next to me would be whoever posted next. person 1:TPNTM loves cats. person 2:Yes! TPNTM hates monkeys. person 1:NO!!!! MONKEYS ROCK!!!!! TPNTM likes pie. and so on. I'll start...
Oh, when I responded, you didn't have TPNTM is d ead. Oh, ok. X(...................... Sweet! I've returned as chocolate pudding! Ahh, I'm being eaten!!!
*Jumps around quickly as he says this*"Toomuchenergywhatchatalkin'boutInogottoomuchenergyIjustatelotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandlotsofsugar.SUGARSUGARSUGARSUGARSUGAR!!!!!!!